Summit Exuma is located a short walking distance from the best swimming beach on Great Exuma, Jolly Hall Beach.

  • The angle of the one-half-mile beach and the shielding from the prevailing wind and waves provided by neighboring Goat Cay and Stocking Island are such that the water is flat and calm 95% of the time. It looks like a “Corona commercial” almost every day. There are many beautiful beaches on Exuma, but most of them are exposed to direct wind and waves. While the others may provide calm water 30% of the time, Jolly Hall Beach is calm and flat 95% of the days.

  • All of the land behind the beach is owned by a lovely and very wealthy family who have owned the property for over 50 years, and have no intention to ever build on it. They like it natural… as do we.

  • *A small unmarked path was created to allow access for visitors. All beaches in the Bahamas are public and accessible to everyone.

  •  Jolly Hall Beach can not be seen from the road and therefore is not highly frequented, nor is it touristy. The family that owns the land obliges us with a path… but there is no sign promoting it. You might average 4 or 5 other souls sharing the beach with you at any given time.

Jolly Hall Beach looks exactly as it did 50 years ago and likely will look the same in another 50 years. That’s just fine with us.